10 Ways To Speed Up Your Metabolism

Some wonderful tips to speed up your metabolism!
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10 ways to speed up your metabolism

No one wants to be a hater right? Well, it’s sometimes hard to ignore that some people are just blessed with a fast metabolism. You know them, they are the ones that can eat just about anything and remain rail thin.

However, do you know that looks can be deceiving? Not every skinny person is a healthy. Well, that’s a post for another time.

The question is can we do anything to remedy a slow metabolism. Is it possible to even become one of those elusive types? What if I told you that you can change your metabolism?

There are plenty of studies that give us reason to believe that it’s not only possible but achievable. I became one those people. Now, remember no hating! I am here to share what I have learned so that you too can enjoy the benefits of a fast metabolism.

Here Are 10 Things You…

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Reversing A Weak Immune System

Powerful testimony of what eating Low Carb can do for the body… it’s all about HEALING!
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before and after picture of me Before and after picture of me

Is it possible that your immune system may be at risk? When I first began my journey back to health, I was stunned to realize just how much power I had surrendered to sugar. My habit of choosing dessert over a meal created a vacuum in my immune system. I may have not been overweight by anyone’s standard, but I was extremely malnourished.

By not eating enough real foods, nor taking enough time to recharge my batteries, I found myself very ill.  In 2000 I was diagnosed with the guillain-barré syndrome, a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves that can lead to paralysis and even death. I had no idea what I was about to confront. At my worse I needed the assistance of a walker to get around. My myelin sheath was being attacked, and similar to multiple…

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